Monday, October 31, 2011


My shattered dreams are broken glass on pavement;
They are no longer flourishing like bees to their queen;
My faith needs to ignite like fireworks on the day of independence;
My heart once glowed like the sun but now is a burned bulb;
I search for the right path but only to find a dozen wrong trails;
Why is it that the darkness never ends for me?

My memories are filled with pain and pure never-ending malice;
My flower never appears to blossom, but shrivels;
I see no light at the end of the never fading, ever deepening tunnel;
The fun times I recall were trying to imagine a better life;
My closest friend is only a wispy figment of my illusion-filled imagination;
Is there no hope for me?

This dark abyss is so empty; there is nothing for me;
I am alone, I am so unloved that I don’t even have a shadow;
I am a puny, pathetic little weed with no purpose in life;
Even in my own person-filled world, I’m the only one I know;
My heart is fragile, for it can easily be broken, torn to pieces;
I am a bomb without a fuse for I am dying to explode;
Why must this unbearable suffering continue until I am in ruins?

I see something ahead of me, something effulgent;
This masochistic beast hurls its body towards me;
I duck but it grabs me before I can slip away.
Its touch is very warm, not bitter at all;
All my problems seem to disappear;
These atrocious yet kind arms hold me secure;
Why does this feel so empathetic?

I don’t belong here, something is not right;
I am feeling blissful inside, but what is wrong?
My hatred seems to meander away;
The beast that once was enraged is now at peace;
What is this irrevocable love doing in my life?
~Samantha Cornish~

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